Page 34 - SST Class 07
P. 34

Therefore,  the  Delhi  Sultanate  was  never          The paraganas was headed by Amil. The village
             branched into consistent provinces with uniform        headmen were called Muqaddam, accountant as
             administrative  system.  This  Sultanate  was  a       Patwari and landowners as Khuts.
             centralised  monarchy.  None  of  the  Sultans  of                  ECONOMIC TOOLS
             Delhi thought of reorganising the provinces on a       Ala-ud-Din  Khilji  fixed  the  prices  of  basic  utility
             uniform basis.
                                                                    items  in  order  to  keep  his  soldiers  and  people
                         DIVISION OF EMPIRE                         happy.  He  appointed  Shahnas  to  keep  an  eye
             The sultanate was divided in Subas or provinces.       over  the  malfunctioning  in  the  trade.  No  one
             Each  province  was  divided  into  Shiqs  which       could charge higher price. If anyone found doing
             were  further  divided  into  Paraganas  and           so, he was punished severely.
             Paraganas into villages. The head of a Suba was
             called  Muqti  while  that  of  a  shiq  was  called  a

                              CASE STUDY                            make Devgiri a second capital so that he might
             Tughalaq Dynasty (1320-1412)                           be able to control south India better. He ordered

             After  Ala-ud-Din’s  death,  once  again  there  was   many  of  the  officers  and  leading  men  to  shift.
                                                                    Though, the Sultan had built a road from Delhi
             chaos and confusion and a new dynasty led by
                                                                    to Daulatabad and set up rest houses on the way,
             Ghiyas-ud-Din  Tughlaq  (1320-24)  came  to  the
                                                                    Daulatabad was more than 1500 km away, many
             throne. Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq built a huge fort
                                                                    people died due to the rigorous journey and the
             in Tughalaqabad which was massive and had 13
                                                                    heat, since the movement took place during the
             gates. He built Tughalaqabad as the 3rd capital
                                                                    summer  season.  Moreover,  many  of  those  who
             of Delhi.
                                                                    reached  Daulatabad,  became  homesick.  Thus,
             Ghiyas-ud-Din  was  succeeded  by  his  son
                                                                    there was a great deal of discontent. After a few
             Muhammad, Bin Tughlaq (1324-1351). In some
             ways,  he  was  the  most  remarkable  ruler  of  his   years,  Muhammad  Bin  Tughlaq  decided  to
                                                                    abandon  Daulatabad.  Apart  from  financial  loss,
             age.  He  successfully  repulsed  the  attack  by  the
                                                                    and  great  hardship  to  the  people.  There  was
             Mongols.  He  defeated  the  Mongols  and  under-
                                                                    complete loss of prestige for the Sultan.
             took a number of bold experiments but unfortu-
             nately, he was hasty and impatient. Muhammad           Introduction of Token Currency
             Bin Tughlaq built Jahanpanah as the 4th capital        Muhammad  Bin  Tughlaq  decided  to  introduce
             of  Delhi.  That  is  why  his  experiments,  though   bronze and copper coins which was to have the
             well-intentioned, failed bringing financial loss and   same  value  as  the  silver  coin.  To  overcome  the
             loss of prestige for the Sultan.                       shortage of silver in India, he introduced bronze
                                                                    and  copper  coins.  The  Sultan,  however,  could
             Shifting of Capital
                                                                    not  check  the  large-scale  forgery  of  the  bronze
             Standing  army  was  needed  to  deal  with  the
                                                                    and copper coins. The value of the new coins fell
             Mongols.  Soldiers  had  to  garrisoned  and  Delhi
                                                                    sharply  and  finally  Sultan  had  to  withdraw  the
             was  emptied  of  its  residents.  For  this  reason,
                                                                    currency. He promised to exchange silver pieces
             Muhammad Bin Tughlaq decided to transfer his
                                                                    for bronze and copper coins. Once again, there
             capital from Delhi to Devagiri in the Deccan and
             renamed it as Daulatabad. The Sultan wanted to         was a loss of money and loss of the prestige of

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