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commodities  were  made  cheap.  He  took  keen        He was the advisor of the Sultan in the adminis-
             interest in agriculture.                               trative  affairs.  He  was  the  head  of  the  finance

             The Lodis built tombs in gardens. The Mughals          department,  by  regulating  the  revenue  settle-
             later adopted this style.                              ment,  fixing  the  taxes,  and  controlling  the
                      IBRAHIM LODI (1517-1526)                      expense of the empire. His office was known as
                                                                    the Diwan-i-Wazarat.
             Sikandar Shah was succeeded simultaneously by
             his two sons Ibrahim on the throne of Agra and         Diwan-i-Ariz was next to the Wazir, and was the
                                                                    controller  general  of  the  military.  He  recruited
             Jalal  on  the  throne  of  Jaunpur.  Later,  Ibrahim
                                                                    troops and maintain the army men and horses.
             killed Jalal and succeeded his father. There were
             many revolts during his reign; Bihar declared its      Diwan-i-Insha  was  in-charge  of  the  royal  corre-
             independence  under  Dariya  Khan  Lohani.  His        spondence,  and  ranked  third  in  the  administra-
             repressive  policy  towards  the  Lohani,  Formuli     tive  structure.  His  assistants  used  to  make  all
             and  Lodhi  tribes  and  his  unsympathetic  treat-    correspondence, even of the confidential matters.
             ment of Dilawar Khan, the governor of Lahore,          Diwan-i-Risalat  or  the  minister  of  foreign  affairs
             turned  the  nobles  against  him.  Daulat  Khan       was  in  charge  of  dealing  with  diplomatic  corre-
             Lodhi (father of Dilawar Khan) and Alam Khan           spondences  and  the  ambassadors.  He  was  an
             invited  Babu,  the  Timurid  ruler  of  Kabul,  to    important officer as all the Sultans were curious
             invade India.                                          to maintain diplomatic relations with the Central
             In  the  first  battle  of  Panipat  (1526  AD),  Babur   Asian powers.
             defeated Ibrahim and killed him. He became the         Sadr-us-Sudur or the minister of the department
             master of Delhi and Agra. This puts an end to the      of religion, used to enforce the Islamic norms and
             Sultanate  and  the  rise  of  Mughal  dynasty  in     to  monitor  whether  the  Muslims  strictly  follow
             India.                                                 those  regulations  in  their  day-to-day  lives.  He
                THE SULTANATE ADMINISTRAITION                       also  expended  the  money  in  charity  and
                                                                    rewarded the Muslim scholars.
             Central Administration
                                                                    Diwan-i-Qaza or the head of the judicial depart-
             The  Sultanate  government  was  a  centralised
                                                                    ment, managed the justice in the empire.
             entity  having  democratic  nature  of  an  Islamic
             State.  The  Sultan  used  to  appoint  numerous       Amongst all the ministers, only the Wazir relished
             ministers.  At  the  time  of  Slave  dynasty,  there   the  higher  status  and  privileges.  No  council  of
             were  four  ministers:  the  Wazir,  the  Ariz-i-      ministers  was  available.  The  Sultans  had  the
             Mamalik,  the  Diwan-i-Insha,  and  the  Diwan-i-      privilege  to  appoint  and  dismiss  any  of  the
             Rasalat.  Sometimes,  there  was  also  the  post  of   ministers.  There  was  a  circle  of  non-official
             Naib-i-Mamalik,  who  was  next  only  to  the         advisors of the Sultan known as Majlis-i-Khalwat.
             Sultan. Usually, Naib acted as Deputy Sultan, but      Some  other  posts  were  existing  like  Barid-i-
             when  the  Sultan  became  weak,  the  Naib            Mamalik  (head  of  the  intelligence  and  posts
             assumed  the  power.  Also,  the  posts  of  Sadr-us-  department),  Diwan-i-Amirkohi  (department  of
             Sudur and Diwan-i-Qaza were given the status of        agriculture), Diwan-i-mustakhraj, Diwan-i-Khairat
             ministers. Hence, there were six ministers during      (department of charity), Diwan-i-Istihqak (depart-
             the peak time of sultanate administration.             ment of pension), Sar-i-Jandar (chief of the royal
                                                                    bodyguards) and Diwan-i-Bandagan (chief of the
             Wazir or the Prime Minister had great authority,
             and all the officers were appointed by him only.

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