Page 35 - SST Class 07
P. 35
the Sultan. People paid taxes with the token At the same time, a famine broke out in the area
coins. and people refused to pay the taxes. The people
Taxation in the Doab rose in rebellion. But, tax collectors showed no
mercy and took stern steps to extract the tax.
Mohammed Bin Tughlaq was inspired by Ala-ud-
This made some peasants to abandon their lands
Din Khilji. He wanted to conquer territories and
and flee to Jungle.
required large army. For maintenance of the
army, He increases the taxation in Ganga- This step made Mohammed Bin Tughlaq very
Yamuna-Doab region. unpopular among his subjects.
FIROZ SHAH TUGHLAQ (1351-1388) His Rule
Firoz Shah Tuglaq was a Turkish leader who was Firoz was majorly depended on an earlier com-
born in 1309 and was in power in Delhi from mander, Malik Maqbul who accepted Islam after
1351 to 1388. He was the child of a Hindu he was arrested. Sultan used to call him Khan-i-
princess of Dipalpur. His dad’s name was Rajab Jahan which meant real ruler. Malik helped him
who was younger sibling of Ghazi Malik who in his rule when he was on expeditions. Tughlaq
carried the title of Sipahsalar. decided not to repeat the mistakes done by his
cousin Muhammad’s. He chose not to reconquer
The Tughlaq Dynasty
territories that had split away, nor to keep further
Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq 1321-24 AD
regions from taking their autonomy.
Muhammad Tughlaq 1325-51 AD
Firoz gave various imperative concessions to the
Firoz Shah Tughlaq 1351-88 AD scholars. He attempted to boycott practices
Mohammad Khan 1388 AD which the standard scholars considered un-
Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq Shah-II 1388 AD Islamic. In this manner, he denied the act of
Muslim ladies going out to pray at the graves of
Abu Baqr 1389-90 AD
holy people. He mistreated various Muslim
Nasir-ud-Din Muhammad 1390-94 AD
groups which were viewed as unorthodox by the
Humayun 1394-95 AD scholars.
Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud 1395-1412 AD Firoz provided the principal of inheritance to the
armed force. Officers were permitted to rest and
He was the third ruler of Tughlaq dynasty after
enjoy and send their children in army in their
the death of Mohammad Bin Tughlaq.
place. The officers were not paid in real money,
Mohammad Bin Tughlaq son of Ghiyas-ud-Din
but rather by projects on land revenue income of
Tughlaq ascended the throne in 1325. He passed
towns. This novel strategy of instalment
away in Thatta while battling in Sindh against
prompted numerous misuses.
Taghi, a Turkish slave. After his demise the
nobles and specialists at the court chose He was a typical Muslim who destroyed Hindu
Muhammad’s cousin Firoz Shah Tughlaq as the temples, their books and literature. This was
following Sultan, in 1351. transformed to either Sanskrit or Persian lan-
guage. He attempted to win over the specialists
He wrote his autobiography called Futuhat-e-
declaring that he was a genuine Muslim ruler and
Firozshahi. We have most of the information
the state under him was really Islamic.
from this.
Social Science-7 35