Page 39 - SST Class 07
P. 39

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                                       The Mughal Empire

             The  Mughal  Empire,  also  known  as  Mogul,           rebellion against the
             Timurid  or  Hindustan  empire  is  considered  one    sultan, and then made
             of the classic periods of India’s long and amazing     plans for an attack on
             history.  In  1526,  Zahir-ud-Din  Muhammad            Delhi. The decisive
             Babur, a man with Mongol heritage from central         encounter with the sultan,
             Asia, established a foothold in the Indian subcon-     Ibrahim Lodi, took place
             tinent  which  was  to  last  for  more  than  three   on the historic battlefield
             centuries.                                             of Panipat on April 21,
             In  India,  the  Mughal  Empire  was  one  of  the     1526. It is probable that
             greatest empires ever. The Mughal Empire ruled         Babur had fewer than
             hundreds  of  millions  of  people.  India  became     12,000 men, in contrast             Babur
             united under one rule and had very prosperous          to at least 100,000 in the
             cultural  and  political  years  during  the  Mughal   army of the sultan, but he had the decisive
             rule.  There  were  many  Muslim  and  Hindu            advantages of fine artillery and disciplined, well-
             kingdoms  split  all  throughout  India  until  the    led  troops.  The  sultan  had  nothing  and  before
             founders  of  the  Mughal  Empire  came.  There        evening he and 15,000 of his soldiers were dead,
             were some men such as Babar, grandson to the           and the road was open to Delhi and Agra. After
             Great  Asian  conqueror  Tamerlane  and  the           Babur had taken these, he swept on to capture
             conqueror  Genghis  Khan  from  the  northern          the other great centers of North India—Gwalior,
             region  of  Ganges  river  valley,  who  decided  to   Kanauj  and  Jaunpur.  His  strongest  opposition
             take over Khyber and eventually all of India.          came from the famous Rana  Sanga,  the Rajput
                          BABUR (1526-1530)                         ruler of Mewar, who had collected a great force
                                                                    of  Hindu  chieftains  and  a  few  Muslim  nobles.
             Babur had established himself in Kabul, in 1504.
             After he had been driven out of Farghana by the        The  two  armies  met  at  Khanua,  a  village  near
             westward movement of the Uzbegs and when he            Agra,  on  March  16,  1527.  Although,  the  Rana
             found  that  he  was  prevented  from  expansion       was a far better leader than the sultan, his brav-
             towards Persia by the rise of a new dynasty there,     ery was no match for Babur’s superior tactics and
             he turned his attention to India. There the revival    modern  weapons.  Rana  Sanga’s  defeat  meant
                                                                    the  end  of  Rajput  hopes  for  a  restoration  of
             of Hindu power and the virtual independence of
                                                                    Hindu  power;  also  it  freed  Babur’s  army  for
             the  Muslim  governors  provided  him  with  an
                                                                    mopping-up  operations  against  the  Afghan
             opportunity  to  attack  the  sultanate  with  the
                                                                    supporters of the sultan in the outlying provinces.
             assurance  that  he  would  not  be  met  by  any
             united resistance. In 1525, he captured Lahore,        By 1529, he was master of the Gangetic plain as
             the capital of Punjab, whose ruler was in virtual      far as Patna in Bihar, but he died in the following
                                                                    year  before  he  could  complete  the  conquest  of

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