Page 42 - SST Class 07
P. 42
The emperor could use the troops maintained by the merchants, so that no one could be cheated
the Mansabdar, any time or whenever he wished. by them.
But, Akbar had a select body directly under his Another job which the Kotwal did was to keep a
control. The most important of these were the register of all the persons living in the
wazir and the bakshi looked after military neighbourhood including visiting foreigners.
organization. Thus they were both very
The Income Sources
important but neither of them had total control
Akbar wanted that salaries be paid in cash, in
over the administration.
fact most of them had to be paid by grants of
The emperor was the most powerful person of
land revenue called jagirs.
the empire. There was the chief steward (Khan-i-
The officers collected revenue from the jagir
saman) who attended to the royal household.
which was equivalent to their salaries. Because
The chief qazi held the highest position amongst
these officers were paid their salaries in grant of
the judges. The wazir and the bakshi had a
revenue, it was necessary to find out how much
number of officers working under them and the revenue each village ought to provide. The state
central government knew what was going on in
took one-third of the produce and preferred the
the empire.
revenue to be paid in money.
The emperor also took advice from others,
Raja Todarmal was asked to make an estimate of
generally he would call them to Diwan-i-Khas or
the land revenue. When this had been done, a
his private apartments and consult them.
careful record was kept. Akbar insisted on this
Akbar was available to his subjects in the large record being always up-to-date. This assessment
audience hall called the Diwan-i-Aam. The was also helpful to the peasants. Now, they
Mughal empire was divided into a number of would know how much of their produce they
subas during the reign of Akbar. There were could keep and how much they had to give to
fifteen subas. Every suba was divided into a the state. Europeans visited the court of Akbar.
number of sarkars and each of these into a The Portuguese had already established their
number of parganas. trading settlements and were trading with
A group of villages made one paragana. The merchants on the west coast of India.
governor of the province, the subedar, was the Literature and Art
most important person in the province. He Akbar was also very fond of poetry and could
looked after the administration with the help of quote from many poems. He was not, however,
other officers. very interested in the natural sciences. This was
The diwan kept the records of the revenue from unfortunate because if he had shown an interest
the land. The bakshi sent regular news reports to in the Renaissance or the new technology of the
the capital and attended to the needs of the army Portuguese the progress of science in India would
in suba. have been more rapid.
There was another officer whose name is still Among his close friends with whom he had long
familiar in the towns and villages of northern discussions were two brothers - Abul Fazl and
India. This was the Kotwal who was the officer in Faizi. Abul Fazl wrote a book, Akbarnama. The
charge of town administration. Police stations are official language of the Mughal empire was
still sometimes called the Kotwali. The Kotwal Persian. Akbar and his friends encouraged the
was responsible for investigating criminals. He translation into Persian of important works in
also inspected the weights and measures used by Sanskrit. The text of the Mahabharata and the
Social Science-7 42