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support from the most powerful section of North-       the  emperor.  The  Mansabdars  came  from  a
             India.  Akbar’s  Rajput  Policy  was  based  on        mixed  group  of  Irani,  Turani,  Mughals,  Afghans
             marriage  alliances  with  the  Rajputs.  Akbar        and Rajputs. The Mughal Mansabdars were paid
             entered into marriage alliance with the rulers of      very  well.  Mughal  Mansabdars  were  one  of  the
             Amber or Jaipur and Jodhpur. He cemented the           highest paid in the World Some of them a salary
             bond  further  by  giving  complete  religious  free-  up to Rs. 30,000 per month.
             dom to his Hindu wives and an honoured place           Akbar’s Religious Policy

             to  their  relatives  in  the  nobility.  He  also  cele-  Akbar  established  harmony  in  his  empire  by
             brated  Hindu  festival  like  Diwali  and  Basant     following  the  policy  of  religious  tolerance.  He
             Panchami.  Raja  Bhagwan  Das  and  Raja  Man          abolished  the  tax  Jizyah  which  the  Non-Muslim
             Singh of Amber or Jaipur were given high ranks         had to pay. He also abolished the pilgrim tax on
             in his court. This alliance with the Rajputs got for   bathing  at  holy  places.  He  stopped  the  practice
             the  Mughal  empire,  the  loyal  services  of  the    of  forcible  conversion  of  prisoners  of  war  to
             bravest warriors in India. The Rajputs served the      Islam.  His  Hindu  wives  were  allowed  to  have
             Mughal empire loyally and helped in the consoli-       complete  religious  freedom.  Akbar  got  Gita,
             dation  and  expansion  to  the  empire.  Akbar        Ramayana and Bible translated into Persian. This
             allowed  the  rulers  to  rule  over  their  kingdoms   shows his acceptance of the other religious belief
             called  watan  or  Jagir  and  in  return  the  Rajput   and  ideas.  Akbar  celebrated  festivals  like
             rulers helped the Mughals by commanding their          Deepawali and Basant Panchami. Thus, from the
             army or by supplying contingents during wars.          very beginning, he tried to promote equal rights
             Mansabdari System                                      for  all  citizens,  irrespective  of  their  religious
             With  the  help  of  the  Mansabdari  system,  Akbar   beliefs.  According  to  Akbar’s  biographer  Abul
             organised  his  nobility  and  gave  them  military    Fazl, Akbar believed in the principle of Sulh-i-Kul
             responsibilities. Every Mansabdar held a Mansab        or  peace  to  all.  He  believed  that  a  true  ruler  is
             meaning  a  position  or  rank  called  Zat.  The      like a father towards his subjects. It is the duty of
             mansabs  were  divide  into  Zat  and  Sawar.  Zat     the  ruler  to  maintain  peace  and  harmony  in
             meant the personal salary and sawar meant the          society by being impartial and just to all without
             number of horsemen, he had to maintain. Apart          any distinction of creed or sect. The principles of
             from  his  own  salary,  the  Mansabdars  also  had    religious  toleration  set  up  by  Akbar  was  also
             the responsibilities to maintain a specified num-      followed  by  his  successor,  Jahangir  and  Shah
             ber of Sawars or Horsemen. The Mansabdars got          Jahan.
             their  salaries  in  the  form  of  Jagirs  or  landed   In the new city, that Akbar built at Fatehput Sikri
             estates whose revenue was given to them as their       near Agra, he built a hall called Ibadat Khana or
             salary. However, they did not reside in or admin-      the hall of prayer. Here, he welcomed scholars of
             ister their jagir. The revenue was collected by the    all  religions  –  Hindu  priests,  Jain  monks,
             servants.                                              Buddhists  and  Christian  missionaries,  for  reli-

             The  Mansabdars  were  taken  from  a  diverse         gious  discussions.  Akbar  tried  to  combine  the
             group. They were rightly described as a bouquet        good  points  of  all  religions  into  a  single  faith
             of flowers or guldasta held together by loyalty to     called Din-i-Ilahi.

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