Page 47 - SST Class 07
P. 47

It  is  for  these  magnificent  achievements  that    a  diamond  as  great,  in  the  middle  an  emerald.
             Akbar  is  called  Akbar  the  Great.  Through  his    His sash was wreathed about with chain of Great
             wise policies, he provided a strong foundation for     pearls, rubies and diamonds. About his neck he
             the Mughal Empire.                                     carried a chain of most excellent pearlsm, rubies
             Mughal Court                                           and  diamonds.  At  his  elbow,  armlets  with  dia-
                                                                    mond  and  on  his  wrists  three  rows  of  several
             Sir  Thomas  Roe  was  an  emissary  from  James-I
             of  England.  The  East  India  Company  wanted
             concessions from the mughals. So, they sent two        Foreign  travellers  missionaries  and  merchants
             ambassadors – Captain William Hawkins and Sir          who  visited  India  in  the  16th,  17th  and  early
             Thomas Roe to Jahangir’s court. He was dazzled         18th centuries have left a detailed account of the
             to  see  the  pomp  and  splendour  of  the  Mughal-   reigns of Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb. The most
             Court. Here is a description given by him, when        well-known is Bernier, who wrote ‘Travels in the
             he  saw  Jahangir  in  cerenonial  attire  -  “The     Mughal  Empire  (1656-58).’  He  was  equally
             emperor’s belt was of gold, his buckler and sword      impressed  —  ‘I  doubt  whether  any  other  mon-
             were set all over with great diamonds and rubies.      arch possesses more of the species of wealth i.e.,
             On his head, he wore a rich turban with plume of       silver …. ’.
             herne tops, not many but long, one side pung a         The  other  are  Tavernier  –  Travels  in  India
             ruby unselft, as big as a walnut, on the other side    (1640-67) and Manucci’s – Storia do Mogor.


              Heritage     :  property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance
              Conqueror  :  a person who conquers a place or people; a vanquisher
              Artillery    :  large-calibre guns used in warfare on land
              Testimony    :  a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law
              Alliance     :  a  union  or  association  formed  for  mutual  benefit,  especially  between  countries  or
              Mausoleum  :  a stately or impressive building housing a tomb or group of tombs

             Inside Story
             Inside Story
              g  In India, the Mughal Empire was one of the greatest empires ever.

              g  The decisive encounter with the sultan, Ibrahim Lodi, took place on the historic battlefield of
                  Panipat on April 21, 1526.

              g  Sher Shah Suri (1540-1545) was an Afghan leader who took over the Mughal Empire after
                  defeating Humayun in 1540.

              g  Akbar had three hundred wives including some who were Hindus.
              g  Akbar  gradually  asserted  his  independence  and  freed  himself  for  the  domination  of  his
                  guardian Bairam Khan.
              g  Aurangzeb ascended the throne in 1658 and ruled supreme till 1707.

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