Page 45 - SST Class 07
P. 45

world witnessed the unique development of arts         proved to be very damag-
             and culture of the Mughal Empire. Shah Jahan           ing for the Mughals later
             has been called the “architect king”. The Red          on. During his 50 years of
             Fort and the Jama Masjid, both in Delhi, stand         rule, Aurangzeb tried to
             out as towering achievements of both civil             fulfill his ambition of
             engineering and art. Yet above all else, Shah          bringing the entire sub-
             Jahan is remembered today for the Taj Mahal,           continent under one rule.
             the massive white marble mausoleum con-                It was under him that the
             structed for his wife Mumtaz Mahal along the           Mughal Empire reached
             banks of the Yamuna River in Agra.                     its peak in matter of area.

                       AURANGZEB (1658-1707)                        He worked hard for years          Aurangzeb
             Aurangzeb  ascended  the  throne  in  1658  and        but, his health broke
             ruled  supreme  till  1707.  Thus,  Aurangzeb  ruled   down  in  the  end.  He  left  behind  no  personal
             for 50 years, matching Akbar’s reign in longevity.     wealth when he died in 1707, at the age of 90
             But  unfortunately,  he  kept  his  five  sons  away   years. With his death, the forces of disintegration
             from the royal court with the result that none of      set  in  and  the  mighty  Mughal  Empire  started
             them was trained in the art of government. This        collapsing.

                               CASE STUDY                           peasants were given the choice of paying in cash

              Mughal Administration – Akbar’s                       or in kind, though the government preferred cash
              Contribution                                          payment.  Akbar  was  concerned  about  the
                                                                    peasant’s welfare. The peasant was given remis-
              Apart from being a brilliant military commander,
                                                                    sion  in  the  land  revenue,  if  crops  failed  on
              Akbar  was  also  a  meticulous  and  farsighted
                                                                    account  of  droughts,  floods,  etc.  peasants  were
              administrator.  We  come  to  know  the  details  of
                                                                    given  loans  to  buy  seeds  implements  and  ani-
              Akbar’s administration from his biographer Abul
              Fazl  and  his  book  ‘Akbarnama’,  particularly      mals. The peasant could not be thrown out of the
              from its last volume ‘Ain-i-Akbari’.                  land as long as he paid the land revenue.
              Following are some of the major innovations in        Emperor Akbar decided to classify land accord-
                                                                    ing  to  its  fertility.  Pulaj  is  a  land  which  is  culti-
              administration introduced by Akbar.
                                                                    vated every year and is never allowed to remain
              Land Revenue System
                                                                    uncultivated so that it regains its natural fertility.
              Akbar  designed  his  land  revenue  system  with
                                                                    Chachar is a land that has remained uncultivated
              the  help  of  a  brilliant  revenue-expert,  Raja
                                                                    for three or four years. Banjar is a good which is
              Todar  Mal.  Under  Akbar’s  and  Todarmal’s
                                                                    uncultivated  for  five  years  or  more.  In  Akbar’s
              system  called  dashala  or  ten  yearly  settlement,
                                                                    empire, different revenues were fixed for each of
              average production of different crops as well as
                                                                    these  land  categories.  Akbar’s  land  revenue
              their average prices prevailing over the last ten
                                                                    system  continued  till  the  end  of  the  Mughal
              years, was calculated. Each province had some
              fixed revenue circles with fixed revenue rates for
                                                                    Relationship with Other Rulers
              individual crops. This system of revenue collec-
                                                                    Akbar  was  a  far-sighted  ruler,  who  understood
              tion  was  called  Zabt  system.  One-third  of  the
                                                                    that  by  winning  over  the  Rajputs,  he  can  get
              average  production  was  the  state’s  share.  The

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