Page 44 - SST Class 07
P. 44

he  opposed  those  who  used  their  power  and       preventing  changes  from  taking  place  in  Indian
             orthodoxy in trying to keep back new ideas and         society and Indian thinking.

                        JAHANGIR (1605-1627)                                 SHAH JAHAN (1627-1658)

             Akbar was succeeded by his son, Salim, who             Jehangir was succeeded by his second son
             took the title of Jehangir, meaning “Conqueror of      Khurram in 1628. Khurram took the name of
             the World”. He married                                 Shah Jahan, i.e., the
             Mehr-un-Nisa whom he                                   Emperor of the World. He
             gave the title of Nur                                  further expanded his
             Jahan (light of the world).                            Empire to Kandhar in the
             He loved her with blind                                north and conquered
             passion and handed over                                most of Southern India.
             the complete reins of                                  The Mughal Empire was
             administration to her. He                              at its zenith during Shah
             expanded the empire                                    Jahan’s rule. This was due
             through the addition of                                to almost 100 years of
             Kangra and Kistwar and                                 unparalleled prosperity
             consolidated the Mughal            Jahangir            and peace. As a result,           Shah Jahan
             rule in Bengal. Jehangir                               during this reign, the
             lacked the political enter-
                                                                                                          CAMPAIGN UNDER
             prise of his father Akbar.                                                                   AKBAR
                                                                                                          CAMPAIGN UNDER
             But, he was an honest man                      KABUL
             and a tolerant ruler. He                                     KASHMIR
             strived to reform society
                                                QANDHAR            LAHORE
             and was tolerant towards
             Hindus, Christians and                                     PANIPAT
             Jews. However, relations                                 AGRA
             with Sikhs were strained                               AJMER AMBER FATEHPUR  AGRA
             and the fifth of the ten Sikh                 SIND            RANTHAMBHOR  ALLAHABAD  PATNA
                                                                   CHITTOR    1569            1574              Tropic of Cancer
             Gurus, Arjun Dev, was                                  1568                          BENGAL
                                                                GUJARAT   MALWA                    1574
             executed at Jehangir’s                              1572      1561       GONDWANA
             orders for giving aid and
             comfort to Khusrau,
                                                                                                    B A Y
             Jehangir's rebellious son.                                AHMADNAGAR                    O F
             Art, literature and architec-             SEA              BIJAPUR   GOLCONDA        B E N G A L
             ture prospered under                                       1685     1687
             Jehangir’s rule, and the
             Mughal gardens in
             Srinagar remain an endur-
                                                                                              Present International
             ing testimony to his artistic                                                    Boundary of India
             taste. He died in 1627.
                                                            I N D I A N           CEYLON       O C E A N

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