Page 52 - SST Class 07
P. 52

classical  age,  after  the  Gupta  Age  of  Ancient
             India. The Mughal period integrated the Turkish
             and Iranian cultural style of the Mughals with the
             Indian traditions. Thus, it led to a unique cultural
             assimilation.  With  the  coming  of  the  Mughals,
             architecture  got  a  boost.  The  Mughals  built
             magnificent  forts,  palaces,  gates,  mosques,  etc.
             They  also  laid  out  many  beautiful  gardens  with
             water  running  through  them.  Some  of  the
             Mughal  gardens  such  as  the  Nishat  Bagh  in                     Sikandar Lodi’s Tomb
             Kashmir, the Shalimar Bagh at Lahore, and the
                                                                    In  Odisha,  there  are  breathtaking  magnificent
             Pinjore Gardens in the Punjab, foothills exist till
                                                                    temples at Bhubaneshwar, Konarka and Puri. In
                                                                    the  south,  the  famous  Brihadeshwara  temple  at
                  BUILDING TEMPLES, MOSQUES,
                                                                    Thanjavur was built by Rajaraja Chola. With the
                         HAVELIS AND BAOLIS
                                                                    coming  of  the  Muslims,  Mosques  became  an
             In  this  period,  many  beautiful  temples  were      integral part of Indian architecture. Mosques had
             constructed  all  over  India.  Jain  temples  called   certain  special  features  like  large  courtyards,
             Dilwara in Mount Abu built in marble are exqui-        minarets  or  towers,  domes  decorative  Islamic
             site in their beauty. The Khajuraho temples built      calligraphy  and  geometrical  shapes.    Mihrab  or
             by  the  Chandellas  attract  tourists  from  all  over   niche on an inside wall indicating the direction of
             the world, even today.                                 Mecca.
                                                                    Havelis : Majestic and grand Havelis were built
                                                                    in  Rajasthan.  A  special  feature  of  these  havelis
                                                                    was  the  colorful  paintings  on  the  walls.
                                                                    Courtyards  are  also  special  feature  of  these
                                                                    havelis giving them a spacious look
                                                                    Baolis  :  It  was  believed  that  if  a  just  king  is
                                                                    ruling,  there  will  be  enough  rain,  i.e.,  no  water
                                                                    scarcity. At the same time, making precious water
                                                                    available  by  constructing  tanks  and  reservoirs
                              Tughlaqabad Fort                      was highly appreciated. For constructing a large
                                                                    reservoir  just  outside  Dehli-i-Kuhna,  Sultan
                                                                    Iltutmish got universal respect. The reservoir was
                                                                    called  the  Hauz-i-Sultani  or  the  ‘King’s
                                                                    Reservoir’.  Big  and  small  tanks  and  reservoirs
                                                                    were  constructed  by  rulers  for  people’s  use.
                                                                    Sometimes, these were part of a temple, mosque
                                                                    or gurudwara. These tanks are known as baolis.
                                                                    These special kinds of wells had steps leading to
                                                                    the water in the well stored underground. Baolis
                                                                    were  especially  built  in  Haryana  and  Gujarat.
                            Adhai Din ka Jhonpra

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