Page 17 - SST Class 07
P. 17
the policy of annexations by defeating the Revenue
Pandyas ad Cheras and making their territories a The main source of income for the Cholas was
part of the Chola empire. The conquest of Sri the land revenue which was collected either in
Lanka was also completed. Sri Lanka was not
cash or kind by the village assemblies. The two
able to free herself from the Chola control for
another 50 years. types of landlords – Brahmanas and rich farmers,
known as vellalas cultivated land with the help of
Chola Government
pariyars. The states share was fixed at 1/3rd of
In the Chola administration the king was the
the produced. Other sources of income were
most important person. All authorities rested in duty and toll taxes, taxes on mines and forests
his hands, but he had a council of ministers to
and taxes on different professions.
advise him. The kings often went on tours in
order to keep a connection with his subjects. Irrigation Facilities — Agrarian Expansion
Cholas maintained a large army consisting of Chola government as well as the local authorities
elephants, cavalry and infantry which were called gave special attention to providing irrigation
the three limbs of the army. The Chola’s strong facilities. Apart from utilising water from the river
navy dominated the Malabar and Coromandal Kaveri and other rivers, the Cholas also stored
Coast and for sometime the entire Bay of Bengal.
water in great tanks. The village assemblies were
The Chola rulers built a network of royal roads responsible for maintaining the tanks. The
which were useful for trade as well as for the
Cholas also spent huge amounts on building
movement of the army. The Cholas also paid
canals and wells. Thus, providing irrigation
attention to irrigation. The river Kaveri and other
facility was an important responsibility of the
rivers were used for this purpose. Many tanks
state and local assemblies. A sluice gate was used
were also built for irrigation. to regulate water from a tank through a water
Administrative Division channel which helped in irrigation to the fields.
The Chola Empire was divided into Mandalams Local Self - Government
or provinces and they in turn were divided into
A special feature of the Chola administration was
Valanadu or Nadus or districts. The Nadus were
the local self-government in the villages. Every
subdivided into Kurrams or Group of villages. village had a assembly or ur, people of all castes
The smallest unit was Gramam or village. who owned land within the village were its
Types of Land members. Mahasabha or Sabha was the
There are several categories of land in Chola assembly in those villages where all the land was
period. Some are : owned by Brahmanas. These villages enjoyed a
Brahmadeya : Land gifted to Brahmana. lot of freedom. The affairs of the village was
Shalabhoga : Land for the school’s managed by an executive committee whose
maintenance. members were either nominated or elected.
These members had to retire after every three
Vellanvagai : This land was peasant
years. There were several committees which
property of Non-Brahmana.
looked after law and order, assessment and
Pallichchhandam : Land donated to Jaina
collection of land revenue, look after the
distribution of water etc. The Mahasabha had the
Devadana : Land gifted to temples.
power to raise loans for the village and impose
Social Science-7 17