Page 14 - SST Class 07
P. 14

THE RASHTRAKUTAS (750 TO 973 AD)                     Krishna-III  was  the  last  greatest  ruler  of  the

             The  Rashtrakutas  empire  was  founded  by            Rashtrakutas.  He  succumbed  to  the  attacks  by
             Dantidurga.  The  empire  extended  from  south        the Chalukyas of Kalyani.
             Gujarat,  Malwa  and  Baghelkhand  in  north  to                 STRUGGLE FOR KANAUJ
             Tanjore  in  the  south.  He  was  succeeded  by  his   Kannauj  located  in  the  central  Gangetic  valley
             son Krishna-I. Besides being a warrior, he was a       was a very important centre for trade and com-
             patron  of  art  and  architecture.  The  rock  cut    merce.  Hence,  obviously  all  the  dominant
             temples at Ellora is such a piece of marvelous art     dynasties  of  the  time  fought  for  power  and
             that alone speaks of his patronage. Krishna-I was      control over this area. The dominant dynasties of
             succeeded  by  Govinda-II  also  called  Prabhuta      this  time  were  Gurjara  Pratiharas,  Palas  and
             Varsa  who  was  an  established  warrior  swooned     Rashtrakutas. Historians often describe this fight
             to pleasure seeking after he ascended the throne.      between  the  three  dominant  dynasties  of  8th
             His  younger  brother  Dhruva  Nirupama  who           century as the tripartite struggle.
             administered the territories for Govinda-II even-      Palas  ruled  the  eastern  parts  of  India  and
             tually  overthrew  him  in  779  AD.  Dhurva           Pratiharas  dominated  western  India  and
             increased  the  prestige  of  the  Rashtrakutas.  He   Rashtrakutas controlled Deccan regions of India.
             crossed the Vindhyas and threatened the Gujarat        The  tripartite  struggle  ultimately  ended  in  favor
             Vatsaraja of Malwa driving him to the desert. He       of Nagabhata-II, Gurjara Pratihara ruler.
             defeated  Dharampala  of  Bengal  in  the  Ganga.
                                                                    Causes of Tripartite Struggle
             Doab,  Jamuna  region.  The  Pallava  ruler
                                                                    Kannauj was the erstwhile capital of Harshavar-
             Dhantivarman was defeated by him and both the
                                                                    dhana empire in north India. The following were
             Pallavas and Gangas accepted his over lordship.
                                                                    the causes which provoked tripartite struggle.
             He  is  also  said  to  have  defeated  the  Pratiharas
             and  Palas.  Of  his  four  sons,  Dhurva  nominated   g    Kannauj  was  the  symbol  of  prestige  and
             Govinda-III as his successor. Govinda-III also was          power during early medieval period.
             a  powerful  ruler.  He  involved  himself  in  the    g    Control  of  Kannauj  also  implied  control  of
             activities  of  the  northern  powers  defeating  the       central Gangetic valley which had plenty of
             Pratihara King Nagabhatta-II. Both the Palas and            resources and thus it was both strategically
             ruler  of  Kannauj  submitted  to  his  protection.         and commercial important.
             Govinda-III  was  followed  by  Amoghavarsha-I         g    This  centre  was  best  for  trade  and  com-
             who ruled from 815 AD to 877 AD. He shifted                 merce as it was connected to silk route.
             his capital to Mayankheta in the Nizams domin-         g    Desire to loot through war.
             ions  in  the  Hyderabad  state.  He  was  involved
                                                                    How did Tripartite Struggle Begin?
             with  the  Chalukyas  of  Vengi,  successfully
                                                                    The  Pratihara  ruler  named  Vatsaraja  was  very
             restrained  the  progress  of  Bhoja-I  of  Kannauj
                                                                    ambitious about Kannauj. Similarly, Dharmapala,
             towards  south.  Amoghavarsha  is  compared  to
                                                                    the Pala ruler also wanted to rule over Kannauj.
             the  fourth  greatest  monarchs  of  the  world,
                                                                    And  thus,  these  two  rulers  were  into  a  conflict.
             besides  Khalifa  of  Baghdad,  the  emperor  of
                                                                    Vatsaraja  defeated  Dharmapala  in  a  battle  at
             China and the Emperor of Constantinople.
                                                                    Gangetic Doab. And, at the same time, Vatsaraja
             He was a patron of Digambar sect of Jainism. He
                                                                    was  defeated  by  the  Rashtrakuta  king  Dhruva.
             abdicated in favour of his son Krishna-II.
                                                                    Dhruva  also  defeated  Dharmapala.  Finally,  this

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