Page 13 - SST Class 07
P. 13
The Second Phase (1000 AD – 1200 AD) Kannauj and came in direct conflict with the
In the second phase, we notice the breakup of Palas of Bengal. He conflicted and defeated
these three powers. It resulted in the rise of many Dharmapala. In 786 AD, the Rastrakuta King
smaller kingdoms all over the country. For Dhruva defeated him. He died in 805 AD.
example, in the northern India, the disintegration THE PALAS OF BENGAL AND BIHAR
of the Pratiharas brought to the forefront various Pala dynasty was founded by Gopala in 750 AD,
Rajput states under the control of different Rajput who was a chieftain earlier, but later became the
dynasties such as Chauhans, Chandellas, king of Bengal. In fact, he was the first Buddhist
Paramaras, etc. These were the states that fought king of Bengal. He had established his domi-
and resisted the Turkish attacks from north-west nance after Gauda dynasty lost their stronghold
India led by Mahmud Ghaznavi and Muhammad in Kamarupa. When he died, Bengal and most of
Ghori in the 11th and 12th century AD. the part of Bihar was under his control.
THE GURJARA PRATIHARAS Gopala is credited with constructing a monastery
The Gurjara Pratiharas ruled much parts of the at the Odantapuri in Bihar.
Northern India from the 6th to 11th century. Dharmapala succeeded Gopala. He ruled from a
They find their origin from Ujjain or Mandsaur. 770 AD to 810 AD. The Palas became the most
Due to the prowess of Gurjara Pratiharas, Arabs powerful kingdom in the Northern and Eastern
were confined to Sindh from 7th to 11th century. India during his reign.
The founder of this dynasty was Harichandra in He fought a prolonged war against the Gurjara
6th century. Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas. Despite his humili-
The successors of Harichandra established ating defeat against the Gurajara Pratihara King
Marwar in Rajasthan and built the ‘Temple city of Nagabhatta-II, he managed to salvage the pride
Ocean’, near Jodhpur. of Pala empire and extended his kingdom to
The first important ruler of this dynasty was entire Bengal and Bihar.
Nagabhatta-I (730-756 AD) whose reign was Dharmapala, a pious Buddhist king founded
from Mandore (Jodhpur) to Malwa, Gwalior and Vikramshila University which was a renowned
Bharuch. center of Buddhism studies in India. The univer-
sity is located at Kahalgaon in Bhagalpur, Bihar.
His capital was Avanti in Malwa.
Dharmapala was succeeded by Devapala. He
Battle of Rajasthan
extended his kingdom to Assam, Odisha and
It was during the times of Nagabhatta-I, when
Kamarupa. During his reign, Pala armies carried
Junaid, another Arab commander invaded India
out a very successful campaign.
after Mohammad Bin Qasim. Nagabhatta-I along
After Devapala, many lesser known kings sat on
with his feudatories such as Chauhans and
the throne. Then, Mahipala became the king of
Guhilots defended the western frontiers but the
Pala kingdom. He ruled the kingdom from 995
Arabs were capable of doing a lot of damage to
AD to 1043 AD. Known as the second founder of
their western Frontiers. Junaid was defeated and
his successor Tamin was compelled to run back the Pala Dynasty, he recovered all the lost territo-
to Arab defeated and wounded. This is known as ries of the Pala empire.
Battle of Rajasthan. The successors of Mahipala were weak and
He was succeeded by Vatsaraja who captured couldn’t hold the empire intact.
Social Science-7 13