Page 8 - SST Class 07
P. 8

The Vedas and related books were put into         observed  from  their  day-to-day  lives.  However,
                  writing  quite  late.  The  Rig  Veda  describes   there  were  many  scenes  from  the  life  of  the
                  the  period  1500-1000  BC  and  the  later       Buddha    and  tales  from  the  Jataka  and  other
                  Vedic literature gives glimpse of the history     such books. Sculptures show the state of artistic
                  of about 1000-600 BC.                             technique  and  it  shows  gradual  refinement

             Buddhist literature, the two epics (Ramayana and       through the years.
             Mahabharata)  and  other  book  help  us  to  know     Music  :  The  Mughal  rulers  patronised  music.
             about the subsequent periods. We mainly rely on        Babar  himself  was  a  poet  and  musician.  Akbar
             literary sources for the history of India just before   patronised  many  musicians.  Tansen  was  a
             the Mauryas.                                           famous name among all of them.
             Literary  works  by  foreign  visitors  like  Chinese,   Thus,  the  various  foreign  or  indigenous  literary
             Romans and Greeks, who came to India, also act         sources  of  ancient  Indian  history  provide  ade-
             as literary sources of ancient Indian history. The     quate  knowledge  on  various  aspects  and  thus
             Indica  by  Magasthenes,  a  Greek  ambassador  in     provide  support  to  reconstruct  ancient  Indian
             the  court  of  Chandragupta  Maurya,  includes        history.
             various  information  of  the  era.  A  proper  geo-            ROLE OF THE HISTORIAN
             graphical account of India can be obtained from        At  the  time  of  writing  the  history,  it  is  most
             Ptolemy’s  ‘Geography’.  Naturalis  Historia  of       important to analyse all the sources of history. A
             Pliny gives an account of India’s flora and fauna
                                                                    historian’s chief responsibility is to examine and
             and  mineral  resources  and  also  mentions  about
                                                                    interpret all these sources and write an unbiased
             trade relations between Italy and India. Whereas,
                                                                    and systematic historical account.
             idea about India’s ports, harbours and trade and
                                                                      DIVERSE NOMENCLATURE OF INDIA
             commerce conducted through the sea route can
                                                                    India has been known by its various names from
             be  obtained  from  Periplus  of  Erythraen.
                                                                    the  beginning  of  the  Medieval  Period.  From
             Moreover,  various  texts  by  Chinese  visitors  like
                                                                    Aryavarte  to  Hindustan.  India  got  its  name  —
             Hiuen  Tsang,  Fa  Hien  and  others  provide  a
                                                                    Hindustan  because  of  the  people  living  around
             detailed picture of Indian Buddhism.
                                                                    the Indus River. It is derived from a Persian word
             Paintings and Sculptures
                                                                    that means the same as Sindhu in Sanskrit.
             Rock  paintings  of  the  medieval  period  have
                                                                    ‘Hind’  indicates  Indian  subcontinent  in  Persian
             survived  in  the  caves  of  Buddhist  and  Jain
                                                                    and  Arabic.  When  it  was  used  in  the  13th
             monks.  These  were  usually  depictions  of  facts

                          Paintings and Sculptures                                   Pallava Sculpture
                                                       Social Science-7    8
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