Page 6 - SST Class 07
P. 6

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                                       Medieval Period

             The Medieval period of India can be viewed as               culture  developed  with  the  fusion  of  the
             covering  the  centuries  between  the  end  of  the        Hindu and the Muslim cultural traits.
             last great ancient empire, that of the Gupta, and      g    The  fundamental  principles  of  Hinduism
             the rise of the great Mughal empire, in the 16th            and  Islam  became  mutual  harmony  and
             century.  The  great  trends  it  witnessed  were  the      tolerable due to Bhakti and the Sufi saints.
             development of modern Hinduism, the decline of
                                                                           MAIN SOURCES OF HISTORY
             Buddhism  in  India  and  the  establishment  of
                                                                    There are two main sources of history :
             Islam in the subcontinent. Associated with these
                                                                    1.   Archaeological Sources
             changes,  in  the  religious  make-up  of  Indian
             society,  were  important  developments  in  art,      2.   Literary Sources
             architecture and literature.                           1.  Archaeological Sources : Archaeological
                   CERTAIN HISTORICAL TRENDS                             sources of ancient Indian history refer to the
                                                                         sources  which  are  obtained  by  the  process
             There are certain historical trends in the Medieval
                                                                         of  archaeological  excavations.  Funda-
             Period (8th to 18th century AD) :
                                                                         mentals  of  ancient  Indian  history  have
             g    The  languages  especially  Urdu  and  Hindi
                                                                         indeed  been  available  to  Indians  for  thou-
                  developed during the Medieval period.
                                                                         sands of years, however arrangement of all
             g    Sufficient  historical  material  is  available  as    these in a chronological order is important.
                  compared to the ancient historical period.             Archaeological  sources  of  ancient  Indian

             g    Many  of  our  social  customs,  traditions  and       history, therefore, have played a major part
                  beliefs  have  their  origin  in  the  Medieval        in delineating history whilst telling the tales
                  period. The dress we wear and the food we              of  the  ancient  Indians  and  constructing  or
                  eat, bear a clear impact of this period.               reconstructing the history of a region.

             g    The  institution  of  well-minted  currency  led       Archaeological  sources  of  ancient  Indian
                  to  economic  development  of  the  country.           history  for  identifying  the  ancient  Indian
                  There  was  a  marked  improvement  in                 history consist of coins, inscriptions, monu-
                  cultivation and great expansion in trade and           ments  and  sculptures  and  other  artefacts.
                  commerce.                                              Some  of  the  archaeological  sources  of
             g    The condition of women in the society was              ancient Indian history are as follows:
                  not  good.  They  had  to  follow  purdah         Monuments
                  system.                                           Methodical and systematic assessment of ancient

             g    European  countries  tried  to  establish  direct   monuments and buildings and other works of art
                  trade relations with India.                       generate  archaeological  evidence.  Red  Fort,

             g    In  the  Medieval  period,  the  true  Indian     Tughalaqabad  Fort  in  Delhi,  Chittor  Fort,  Agra

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