Page 9 - SST Class 07
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century  by  the  chronicles  Minhaz-i-Siraj,  he           castes. During this period powerful empires
             meant  the  areas  of  Punjab,  Haryana  and  the           came up like the Khaljis, Tughlaqs, Mughals,
             land  between  the  Ganga  and  Yamuna.  When               Cholas etc.
             Babur used this term Hindustan, he used it in a        4.   Important  changes  took  place  in  religion
             broader  sense  to  include  the  geographical  and         also  in  Hindustan.  There  was  the  emer-
             cultural characteristics of the entire subcontinent.        gence  of  Bhakti  Movement  which  believed

             India  is  often  referred  to  as  Bharat  in  Sanskrit    that God can be reached through love and
             Literature. India is also known as Bharatvarsham.           devotion.  No  expensive  or  complicated
             A Period of Varied Developments                             rituals were needed. Bhakti Movement also
             1.   The period between 700 to 1750 is a very               rejected caste hierarchy.
                  dynamic  period  because  a  rich  variety  of    During  the  7th  century,  the  new  religion  Islam
                  developments took place during this period.       arrived in India. This new religion based itself on
                  New  groups  of  people  appeared  in  India      the  worship  of  one  God  Allah  before  whom  all
                  during  this  period.  This  included  Turks,     are  equal  irrespective  of  social  and  economic
                  Khaljis,  Tughlaqs,  Mughals,  Persians,  who     differences.
                  came  from  outside  and  Rajputs,  Marathas,     The  history  of  the  period  from  700  to  1750  is
                  Sikhs,  Jats  and  Ahoms  who  were  indige-      considered  dynamic  and  ever-changing  and
                  nous people and became politically impor-         described as Medieval period. It saw tremendous
                  tant in this period.                              changes.  There  were  many  transformations  and
             2.   In other areas also there were new develop-       what  happened  in  the  16th  and  17th  centuries
                  ments. New food items like potatoes, corn,        was very different from the developments the 8th
                  chillies arrived in the subcontinent.             or  9th  century.  Therefore,  the  question  is  being
             3.   Society  became  more  complex  as  the  four     asked by many historians today that whether it is
                  major  castes  or  varnas  got  divided  and      justified to label the entire period as “Medieval”.
                  subdivided  into  a  number  of  Jatis  or  sub-


              Harmony         :  melodiousness
              Delineating     :  describe or portray (something) precisely
              Chronological   :  the arrangement of things following the order in which they occured
              Manuscripts     :  a book, document or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or printed

             Inside Story
             Inside Story
              g  Many of our social customs, traditions and beliefs have their origin in the Medieval period.
                  The dress we wear and the food we eat, bear a clear impact of this period
              g  Archaeological sources of ancient Indian history refer to the sources which are obtained by
                  the process of archaeological excavations.
              g  Methodical  and  systematic  assessment  of  ancient  monuments  and  buildings  and  other
                  works of art generate archaeological evidence.

              g  One of the most trustworthy evidence can be attained from numerous inscriptions.

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