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among counsellors and that they often steer       where  groups  of  people  are  distributed  across
                  females away from certain college prepara-        occupation  according  to  gender.  Men  and
                  tory courses, especially in mathematics and       women possess different physical, emotional and
                  sciences.                                         mental  capabilities.  These  different  capabilities

                  THE REINFORCEMENT OF MALE                         make the genders vary in the types of jobs they
                              DOMINANCE                             are  suited  for.  While  some  occupations  have
                                                                    become  more  gender  integrated  (mail  carriers,
             Male dominance is both a socialising and struc-
                                                                    bus  drivers  and  real  estate  agents),  occupation
             tural  force.  It  exists  at  all  levels  of  society,  from
                                                                    including  teachers,  nurses,  secretaries  and
             the interpersonal interaction of women and men
                                                                    librarians  have  become  female  dominated.
             to  the  patterning  of  gender  that  is  found  in  all
                                                                    Occupation  including  architects,  electrical  engi-
             cultural forms and social institutions.
                                                                    neers  and  airplane  pilots  remain  predominantly
             Language is one such form that perpetuates male
                                                                    male in composition.
             dominance  by  ignoring  women.  Use  of  the
             pronoun  ‘he’  when  the  sex  of  the  person  is     Even a person seeking loans for house negotiat-
             unspecified and of the generic term mankind to         ing for house can be refused because of gender.
             refer  to  humanity  in  general  are  obvious  exam-  In  banking,  unequal  loan  terms  can  be  worked
                                                                    out or credit can be refused.
             ples of how the English language ignores women.
             Gendered  Media  :  The  media  plays  up  tradi-                WOMEN EMPOWERMENT
             tional  veins  of  men  and  women.  Boys  and  or     There have been many movements focusing on
             men  are  often  portrayed  as  active,  aggressive    giving  women  economic  rights.  A  range  of
             person  while  women  are  portrayed  as  quiet,       government programmes have been launched to
             passive and pretty.                                    increase economic opportunities for women.
                ECONOMIC ASPECT OF UNPACKING                        Things are changing for the better. Today, there
                                 GENDER                             are more girls in schools. More and more women
                                                                    are  coming  out  of  homes  to  take  up  jobs  or
             In  the  work  place  wage  discrimination  is  the
                                                                    engage  themselves  in  business  or  social  work.
             discrepancy of wages between two groups due to
                                                                    This has helped many of them to be financially
             a bias towards or against a specific trait with all
                                                                    independent  and  self-confident.  Women  have
             other characteristics of both groups being equiva-
                                                                    also joined political bodies. Today, women form
                                                                    about one-third of the elected representatives at
             The  gendered  income  disparity  can  also  be
             attributed  in  part  to  occupational  segregation,

                                                                       Many women have ventured into professions
                                                                            that were once dominated by men.

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