Page 225 - SST Class 07
P. 225

Fixed versus Flexible Price                                     MARKETS AND EQUALITY

             Most shops sell things at a fixed price. But, there    Since,  markets  are  a  platform  for  buying  and
             are shops where you can bargain and bring the          selling, more demand for goods and hence more
             price of goods down. Can you give two examples         sales would boost the production and the oppor-
             for this?                                              tunities for people to earn. The characteristics of
             In the case of fixed price, the seller charges the     sellers and buyers of a small shop and big malls
             same  price  for  a  product  from  all  customers.    are as follows :
             What  are  the  advantages  of  this?  It  builds  cus-  Sellers : There is a difference between the small
             tomer confidence in the seller. It also helps both     shop  owners  we  see  in  the  weekly  market  and
             the buyer and the seller as they need not waste        the ones in a big shopping complex. The former
             time  bargaining.  People  with  weak  bargaining      is  a  small  trader  with  little  money  whereas  the
             power prefer fixed prices.                             latter is very rich and can spend a huge amount
             In the case of flexible price, the seller sells similar   of  money  to  set  up  the  shop.  The  difference  in
             quantities  to  different  buyers  at  different  prices.   their earnings is also substantial.
             The  final  price  is  determined  by  bargaining.     Buyers  :  The  buyers  of  the  weekly  market
             What  are  the  advantages  of  this?  People  with    cannot  afford  even  the  cheapest  of  goods,
             good  bargaining  power  can  gain  from  this         whereas the buyers visiting the malls are able to
             practice.                                              afford the branded goods and other luxury items
                                                                    on sale there.

              Negotiating    :  to find a way over or through
              Barriers       :  a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access
              Cost-effective  :  effective or productive in relation to its cost
              Retailers      :  any individual who operates their business
              Substantial    :  of considerable importance, size or worth

             Inside Story
             Inside Story
              g  Market is a place where the goods are offered by the sellers in exchange for money from

              g  Markets establish a link between producers and consumers through traders.
              g  Marketing helps in improving people’s standard of living by offering a wide variety of goods
                  and services.
              g  When  the  producers  sell  their  goods  directly  to  the  consumers,  it  is  called  the  direct
              g  In the case of fixed price, the seller charges the same price for a product from all customers.
              g  When  the  producers  sell  their  goods  to  consumers  through  middlemen,  it  is  called  the
                  indirect channel
              g  In wholesale business, the wholesaler gives more emphasis on the quantity of goods, not
                  on the quality.
              g  Retail trade refers to buying of goods from wholesalers or manufacturers and selling them
                  directly to consumers.

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