Page 224 - SST Class 07
P. 224

Producers  :  The  producers  supply  goods            location  of  the  shop,  its  appearance,  display  of
             directly  to  retailers  who  in  turn  sell  them  to   goods  because  they  sell  only  a  specific  type  of
             consumers. No wholesaler in involved.                  items and their customers are generally retailers

             Wholesalers  :  The  producers  supply  goods  in      or other businesses who purchase the goods for
             bulk to the wholesalers who in turn directly sell      the purpose of resale. These things do not matter
             these  goods  in  small  quantities  to  the  ultimate   to them at all.
             consumers. No retailer is involved.                    In wholesale business, the wholesaler gives more
             Wholesalers  and  retailers  the  producers  supply    emphasis  on  the  quantity  of  goods,  not  on  the
             goods in bulk to the wholesaler’s shop sell goods      quality. For starting a wholesale business, there is
             in  small  quantities  to  the  retailers.  The  retailer   a huge capital requirement as the business size is
             then sells these goods to the consumers.               large. It does not require any publicity or adver-
             Agent : Wholesalers, retailers and the producers
             supply goods in bulk to the agent. The agent in        However, the customers of a wholesale business
             turn  sells  the  goods  to  the  wholesalers.  The    are  spread  in  various  cities,  towns  or  even  in
             wholesalers  then  sell  the  goods  to  the  retailers.   different states. Most goods are sold on credit to
             The retailers sell the goods to the consumers.         the  customers  of  the  wholesale  business.  The
                                                                    price  of  purchased  on  wholesale  is  lower  as  it
                           TYPES OF TRADES
                                                                    consists of less profit margin.
             Buying and selling of goods and services within a
                                                                    Retail Marketing
             country is called internal trade or home trade. It
             includes wholesale and retail.                         Retail  trade  refers  to  buying  of  goods  from
                                                                    wholesalers  or  manufacturers  and  selling  them
             Wholesale Marketing
                                                                    directly  to  consumers.  They  generally  deal  in  a
             Wholesale  refers  to  the  selling  of  goods  to  the
                                                                    variety  of  items.  They  do  not  have  direct  links
             customers  like  retailers,  industries  and  others  in
                                                                    with  manufacturers  as  they  purchase  products
             bulk,  at  a  low  price.  It  is  a  type  of  business  in
                                                                    from  the  wholesalers.  They  act  as  middlemen
             which  goods  are  being  purchased  from  the
                                                                    between the wholesaler and the consumers.
             producers by the wholesaler in big lots and then
                                                                    Retailers  may  at  times  extend  credit  facilities  to
             the  bulk  is  split  into  comparatively  smaller  lots.
                                                                    the  customers,  as  in  the  case  of  televisions,
             Finally, they are repacked and resold to the other
                                                                    washing machines and other such items. In cities
                                                                    and  towns,  the  retailer  engages  salespersons  to
             Wholesalers  do  not  pay  much  attention  to  the
                                                                    assist  customers  in  buying.  Some  retailers  are
                                                                    now  switching  over  to  self-help  services,  where
                                                                    the  customer  can  directly  go  and  pick  up  the
                                                                    items she or he wants.

                                                                    Have  you  ever  noticed  the  same  product  being
                                                                    sold for different prices at different places? This is
                                                                    because some retailers offer discounts on certain
                                                                    products.  Others  offer  additional  services  like
                                                                    credit  facilities,  gift  wrapping,  alterations,  home
                                                                    delivery  and  so  on.  These  are  some  techniques
                                                                    employed by retailers to promote sales.
                              Wholeseller Shop
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