Page 219 - SST Class 07
P. 219
Social Advertising and this materialisation has affected on value
Social ads are one of the quickest and most system also. Possessing material goods and
effective ways to connect with our target audi- physical comfort and luxury have primarily
ence. These ads bring profitable opportunities in become more important and special values or
digital marketing formats . the coordination between the mind, body and
soul have been given the secondary position.
These small ads make the most of all the infor-
This is referred to as consumerism.
mation users share on social media to offer them
content as highly personalised as possible and as MEDIA AND ETHICS
such conversion opportunities. Media plays an important role in a democratic
country. It is the main responsibility of the media
to decide which news are worthy of attention for
the people and which are not. Some of the basic
principles of media ethics are listed below :
(a) It provides us true reports.
(b) It acts independently.
(c) It minimizes the harm done to society.
In a democracy, the media is supposed to be free
More and more brands are getting on board with
and independent. In a democracy, the media is
social ads on social media. The possibilities and
expected to function with great responsibility as
varieties of ways to reach out to our audience
opinion of the people are greatly influenced by
seem endless, with seemingly great examples of
what they see and read in the media.
advertising on social media and personalisation.
g A free and uncensored media has the
Social Ads are an incredibly profitable and
responsibility to provide unbiased coverage
versatile advertising channel that give us the
of events. People have to be told the truth
ability to build specific campaigns on social
about the activities of the government, and
media to meet a selection of different business
what is happening around them.
goals at relatively low costs.
g An independent media also helps to keep
To clue you in a bit more on the new social ads
the judiciary under check by reporting on
options, or even if it’s your first time venturing
the way the court decides cases.
into these waters. Let’s explore great examples of
advertising through social ads on social media g If a democracy has to have free and fair
platforms with the largest user base. We’ll finish elections, it needs a press that will cover
off with great examples of advertising through candidates from all the parties in an unbi-
ads platforms on social media from ourselves at ased manner.
Cyberclick. g The media should also cover relevant issues
Consumerism that need to come up before elections, like
In today’s world, we are highly affected by the developmental issues or social issues.
advertisements. People are brand conscious and g The media assesses the performance of the
feel to maintain a particular standard. We can government impartially so that people can
also say that we live in the materialistic world know how effective the government has been.
Social Science-7 219