Page 217 - SST Class 07
P. 217
RIGHT TO INFORMATION (RTI) tisements come on radio as well. Even buses,
Information means any material in any form taxis and rickshaws carry advertisements on
including records, documents, memos, e-mail, them. The internet which is an inseparable part
opinions, advices, press-releases, circulars, of our lives today also has many advertisements
orders, contracts, reports, papers, samples, popping up on different websites.
models, data material held in any electronic or
print form. Information related to any private
body which can be accessed by a public author-
ity under any other law for the time being in
force, but does not include “file noting”.
Right to information includes the right to :
1. Inspect works, documents, records.
2. Take notes, extracts or certified copies of
documents or records.
3. Later certified samples of material. Features of Advertisements
4. Obtain information in form of printouts, g They help in drawing our attention to the
diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or product advertised.
in any other electronic mode or through g They describe the positive aspects of the
printouts. product so that people become keen to buy
Through the RTI Act, the citizen of India gets the them.
legal right to know or to get information from the g Increasing the sales of the product or ser-
government. Government bodies have also to be vice.
more transparent and accountable in their way of
g Creating and maintaining a brand identity
or brand image.
In this law (RTI) the information is provided to
g Communicating a change in the existing
the people within 30 days of the filing of their
product line.
application. If the issue is related to the life and
g Introduction of a new product or service.
liberty of the applicant, the reply is to be given
within 48 hours. However, government is not g Increasing the buzz value of the brand or the
bound to give answers to question, effecting the company.
security, sovereignty and integrity of India. The Advantages and Disadvantages of
Scientific or economic interest or any such Advertising
information that could be illegal are not covered To prevent complete commercialisation of
in the RTI Act. electronic media, some countries have made it
ADVERTISING mandatory for broadcasters to air some adver-
Advertising is an integral part of marketing. tisements related to consumer interest.
Because of the cut-throat competition in the Advertising is the name given to the process of
present times, good advertising is inevitable. We commercial promotion of goods and services in
see a number of advertisements on TV, newspa- order to increase its sales. Advertising can be
pers, as billboards on streets, etc. Many adver- done by means of a number of mediums like
television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards,
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