Page 218 - SST Class 07
P. 218

magazines,  internet,  by  the  word-of-mouth  and     and influence the minds of the people. To con-
             in  many  other  ways.  Advertising  informs  the      front  this  problem,  companies  are  being  asked
             buyers about the availability of a certain product     withdraw any false and negative claims made in
             or service in the market and encourages them to        their advertisements and also made to pay a fine
             buy it.                                                for these false claims.

             The main objectives of advertising are :               Commercial Advertising
             g    Increase the usage of a certain product and       Commercial  advertising  in  general  is  the  use  of
                  hence acquiring more orders.                      advertising to generate revenue.
             g    Creating  new  customers  and  increasing         One important aspect of commercial advertising
                  brand recognition.                                is that it creates a demand or a perceived need
             g    To obtain feedback from customers regard-         for  something.  As  soon  as  the  consumer  has  a
                  ing certain product.                              reason  to  want,  advertising  is  there  to  offer  a
                                                                    solution  to  that  need.  Advertisements  give
             g    To indicate introduction of new products or
                                                                    answers  to  a  consumer’s  questions,  including
                  replacement of old ones.
                                                                    where  to  eat,  where  to  go,  or  what  to  buy.
             Advertising  has  a  number  of  uses.  Apart  from
                                                                    Effective  advertising  works  to  create  a  desire
             promoting  commercial  goods,  advertising  can
                                                                    while offering an attractive solution.
             also be used to educate and motivate the public
             about  non-commercial  issues  such  as  AIDS,
             deforestation, family planning, etc. It is a power-
             ful media which is capable of reaching to the far-
             out masses. Nowadays, we find many advertise-
             ments on the internet also. These advertisement
             in most cases, have been successfully connecting
             the  user  with  the  information  he  requires.  To
             prevent complete commercialisation of electronic
             media, some countries have made it mandatory
             for  broadcasters  to  air  some  advertisements       Not  every  aspect  of  commercial  advertising
             educate people of that country on a number of          relates  to  fulfilling  an  immediate  need.
                                                                    Advertisers  also  strive  to  create  name  recogni-
             social and moral issues.
                                                                    tion,  which  is  commonly  called  “branding.”
             However, some people are very keen on expos-
                                                                    Effective branding means the consumer instantly
             ing the negative side of advertising. The impact
                                                                    recognizes  the  company  or  the  product  name
             that  advertisements  cause  depends  on  the  state
                                                                    and  has  come  to  feel  positively  about  it.
             of  mind  of  an  individual  and  his  past  experi-
                                                                    Companies use advertising in an effort to impress
             ences.  For  instances,  young  kids  will  be  easily
                                                                    consumers  with  how  happy  they  will  be  once
             attracted  by  the  false  claims  made  in  advertise-
                                                                    they buy the item or use the service offered.
             ments.  People  are  also  arguing  about  the
             increase  in  consumption  of  substances  like        Once the brand is completely established in the
             alcohol and cigarettes after viewing the advertise-    market  and  enjoys  the  trust  of  the  people.  It  is
             ments.  Excessive  advertising  has  become  a         then  able  to  attract  more  and  more  customers
                                                                    even without further advertising. This function of
             nuisance in most cities of the world. Manufactur-
                                                                    advertising known as brand franchise.
             ers  easily  make  false  claims  about  any  product

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