Page 216 - SST Class 07
P. 216

g    E-mail                                                 among the individual opinions that make up

             g    Online communities                                     public opinion on an issue.
             g    Web advertising                                   (c)  Description or analysis of the public role of
                                                                         public opinion.
             g    DVD and CD-ROM media
                                                                    (d)  Study  both  of  the  communication  media
             g    Virtual reality environments
                                                                         that  disseminate  the  ideas  on  which  opin-
             g    Integration  of  digital  data  with  the  tele-
                                                                         ions are based and of the uses that propa-
                  phone, such as internet telephony
                                                                         ganda and other manipulators make of this
             g    Digital cameras                                        media.

             g    Mobile computing
                           EFFECT OF MEDIA
             Media  is  the  fourth  pillar  of  democracy.  Its
             importance in a democracy cannot be underesti-
             mated. It sets the agenda to focus on the issues
             which are related to public interest. This agenda
             sometimes  has  positive  effects  in  a  democracy.
             But, sometimes, it fails to do so. For example, the
             media  drew  our  attention  to  alarming  levels  of
             pesticides in cola drinks. They published reports
             that indicated the high level of pesticides. In this        WHAT IS PUBLIC OPINION TO A
             way,  we  were  made  aware  of  the  fact  that  cola                 DEMOCRACY?
             drinks  were  not  safe.  Despite  the  government’s   In a democracy, like ours, it is an accepted idea
             resistance,  the  media  boldly  covered  this  story   that  the  public  which  is  called  upon  to  make
             and thus played a positive role by focusing on an      important  decisions  at  the  ballot  box  must  be
             issue  that  affects  our  life.  But,  sometimes,  the   kept  informed  of  popular  issues.  It  is  also  an
             media fails to set agenda to raise issues that are     important  principle  of  our  governmental  system
             significant  in  our  lives.  For  example,  they  pub-
                                                                    that  public  policies  are  decided  upon  by  the
             lished  a  wide  coverage  about  the  ‘Word  Cup’,
                                                                    people. Law making body over executives in the
             but they did not publish one of the major issues
                                                                    government  and  over  domestic  and  foreign
             related to drinking water. Every year, thousands
                                                                    policy is a basic idea in our political society. The
             of people suffer and die because they do not get       people  are  the  source  of  power.  Hence  their
             safe drinking water.                                   opinions  should  mould  the  action  of  govern-
                            PUBLIC OPINION                          ment.
             Public  opinion  is  the  aggregate  of  individual    The successful life or our government operating
             attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population.     under  these  principles  justifies  our  faith  in  the
             The principle approaches to the study of public        people’s good judgement. We believe that once
             opinion may be divided into four categories :          the public views on public issues are known and

             (a)  Quantitative  measurement  of  opinion            acted  upon,  our  government  will  be  improved
                  distribution.                                     rather  than  damaged.  It  is  often  said  that  only
             (b)  Investigation  of  the  internal  relationships   those  who  distrust  the  public  soundness  of  its
                                                                    judgement need fear an expression of its views.

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