Page 228 - SST Class 07
P. 228

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                                       Gender Discrimination

             The term ‘gender’ is an often-heard term by all of     food  distribution,  burden  of  household  work,
             us. It is something all of us experience on a daily    lack  of  opportunities,  restricted  mobility,  wife
             basis.  It,  for  example,  determines  who  we  are,   battering,  lack  of  opportunities  for  girls,  lack  of
             what we will become, where we can and cannot           inheritance  to  women.  Foot  binding  in  China,
             go  and  so  on.  Our  understanding  of  gender  is   Sati,  Dowry  system,  ill  treatment  with  widows
             based  on  our  family  and  society.  For  example,   and  child  marriage  in  India,  beauty  contests  in
             men generally go out to work and women work            contemporary  societies  are  manifestations  of
             at  home.  But,  the  general  perception  of  these   patriarchy.  The  dichotomous  nature  of  gender
             different roles differs across communities around      leads to the creation of inequality that manifests
             the world. Most societies value men and women          in numerous dimensions of daily life. Also, when
             differently which is elaborated as under.              distinctions are made between males and females
                                                                    and  differential  treatment  is  meted  out  to  boys
                                                                    and girls, then there is gender inequality.
                                                                        INEQUALITY IN SOCIETY: GENDER

                                                                    1.  Cultural Distinctions
                                                                         Distinction  between  men  and  women  and
                                                                         subordination  of  women  is  fundamentally
                                                                         justified  on  grounds  of  biological  differ-
                                                                         ences.  The  biological  factor  has  been  the
                                                                         most important factor of justifying inequality
                                                                         and oppression of women for centuries.
             Discrimination  is  associated  with  prejudice  and
                                                                    2.  Masculinity vs Feminist Hierarchy
             regarded  as  objectionable.  It  may  entail  behav-
             iour either to benefit an individual or disadvan-           Certain  traits  of  masculinity  have  been
             tage  of  the  individual  concerned.  Gender  dis-         identified  to  justly  discrimination  against
             crimination  refers  to  belief  in  relation  to  gender   women. By hierarchy, men are supposed to
             or  a  person  which  may  or  may  not  carry  legal       have  masculine  qualities  of  bravery  and
             consequences but are of social nature.                      confidence  while  women  are  supposed  to

             When  we  talk  about  gender  discrimination,  we          have the feminist qualities of sensitivity and
             talk about patriarchy which is a system of social           shyness.  The  values  that  have  been  attrib-
             structures and practices in which men dominate,             uted  to  male  and  female  hierarchy  have
             oppress and exploit women. It manifests itself in           been  produced  by  a  range  of  institutions
             son’s  preference,  discrimination  against  girls  in      and  beliefs  that  symbolise  boys  and  girls

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