Page 146 - SST Class 07
P. 146

are  caused  due  to  difference  in  temperature,
                                                                    salinity and prevailing winds.
              w  March  22nd  is  celebrated  as  World  Water  Day.
                 Think  how  you  would  like  to  celebrate  it  in  your   Wave
                 school.  How  would  you  use  this  day  to  create   When the water on the surface of the ocean rises
                 awareness about conservation of water?             and falls alternately, they are called waves. They
              w  Our earth is called the ‘watery planet’. 71% of the   are formed when winds scrape the ocean floor.
                 earth’s  surface  is  covered  with  water  while  only   When  we  throw  a  ball  in  the  ocean,  it  gets
                 29% is the land area. The water is found in oceans,
                                                                    washed  back  to  the  shore  by  the  waves.  The
                 seas,  lakes,  rivers,  etc.  The  domains  of  water  is
                                                                    stronger  the  wind  blows,  the  bigger  the  wave
                 called the hydrosphere.
                                                                    becomes.  During  a  storm,  the  wind  blows  at  a
                   MOVEMENT OF OCEAN WATER                          very high speed forming huge waves. These may
             Oceans are very large water bodies surrounding         cause tremendous destruction. The following can
             the continents and contain more than 70% of the        shift large amount of ocean water :
             total  quantity  of  water  available  on  the  earth’s   g   An earthquake
             surface. There are four oceans on the surface of       g    A volcanic eruption
             the  earth.  These  are—  the  Pacific  Ocean,  the    g    Underwater landslide
             Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Arctic
                                                                    Due  to  the  above,  a  huge  tidal  wave  called
             Ocean.  These  oceans  have  a  moderating  effect
                                                                    tsunami  is  formed.  It  may  be  as  high  as  15
             on the climate of coastal areas. The ocean waters
                                                                    meters. The highest tsunami ever measured was
             are never still. Their movement can be categories
                                                                    150  m  high.  These  waves  travel  at  a  speed  of
             as waves, tides and currents. These movements
                                                                    700 km/h.

                                                                                             ARCTIC OCEAN
                        ARCTIC OCEAN
                                                                                                       Arctic Circle
                                                               NORTH                               Okhotse
                                 R. Makenzit
                                                                SEA          R. Volga        L. Baykal  Sea
                                         Great Lakes             R. Rhine      ARAL SEA  L. Balkhash
                                                 LABRADOR SEA
                         PACIFIC       R.         NORTH                                   R. Yangtze       NORTH
                         OCEAN          MISSISSIPI  ATLANTIC     MEDITERRANEAN      R. Indus               PACIFIC
                    Tropic of Cancer                                                R. Ganga
                                                                    L. Chad
                                                                    R. Zalre
                    Equator                                             L. Victoria
                                            R. Amazon
                                                                                INDIAN OCEAN
                                              L. Titicaca
                                                                     L. Tanganyika
                    Tropic of Capricorn
                                                                                                 R. Eyre
                                               R. Parana                                             R. Darting
                                SOUTH                     SOUTH                                      Rauray
                                PACIFIC                   ATLANTIC
                                                                                     SOUTHERN OCEAN
                    Antarctic Circle
                                                        Major Water Bodies
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