Page 147 - SST Class 07
P. 147
Tsunami plates. The sliding of the tectonic plates resulted
The term ‘Tsunami’ comes from the words ‘tsu’ in the earthquake which caused huge waves
meaning harbour and ‘nami’ meaning waves. It some of which were as high as 30 meters.
means huge tidal waves. A tsunami can be The tsunami wreaked havoc on the communities
caused due to underwater earthquakes, volcanic living in the coastal areas. More than 1.8 lakhs
eruptions and underwater explosions. lives were lost, about 42,000 people were
On December 26, 2004, a deadly tsunami reported missing. The damage to property was
occurred in the Indian Ocean due to earthquake unaccountable. Houses were flattened, trees &
called the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. Its electric poles uprooted, automobiles submerged,
epicenter was off the west coast of Sumatra in agricultural land flooded with saline water.
Indonesia. Several people lost their livelihood. Devastation
was beyond imagination.
Relief poured in from all quarters – local, state,
nation and international. Providing food, water,
first aid, medical aid, clothes and shelter was an
uphill task. The government was able to mobilise
resources and respond almost immediately.
Though the rehabilitation work is almost com-
plete, yet healing the emotional scars and provid-
ing emotional support was not an easy task. Life
for many can never be the same.
Tsunami Tides
The earthquake which measured 9.0 on the Periodic rise and fall of ocean water at regular
Richter Scale caused a series of tsunami that intervals, twice a day, is called a tide. Tides are
caused devastation and destruction on the coasts experienced in oceans and seas. When the level
of countries bordering the India Ocean. of seawater rises, it is high tide and when the
The tsunami affected the coastal areas across level falls, it is low tide. Gravitational attraction of
South and South-East Asia. India, Indonesia, Sri the moon and sun causes these tides. They occur
Lanka and Thailand were the countries where twice a day. As the moon is closer to the earth, it
destruction was maximum. Coastal areas of exerts larger gravitational pull causing high tides.
Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Maldives and
East African countries of Somalia, Kenya,
Tanzania and Madagaskar also suffered serious
damage. In India, the coastal areas of Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondicherry and
Andaman and Nicobar Islands were the worst
affected. The Indira Points, which was the
Southernmost point of India was completely
The earthquake that caused the tsunami origi-
nated due to the movement of the lithosphere Tides
Social Science-7 147