Page 148 - SST Class 07
P. 148

The  height  of  tides  depends  upon  the  relative        electricity.  Tidal  power  stations  have  been
             position of the moon and the sun with respect to            set up in UK, Canada, France and Japan.
             the  earth.  During  the  full  moon  and  the  new    Ocean Current
             moon days, the sun, the moon and the earth are         They  are  streams  of  water  flowing  continuously
             in  the  same  line  resulting  in  extra  high  tides.   on the ocean’s surface in definite directions. They
             These are called spring tides. When the moon is
                                                                    influence the temperature conditions of the area.
             in the first and the last quarter, the sun and the
                                                                    They may be warm or cold.
             moon  are  at  right  angles  and  the  water  gets
                                                                    Warm Current : They originate near the equa-
             drawn  in  diagonally  opposite  directions.  This
                                                                    tor  and  move  towards  the  poles.  The  Gulf
             results  in  low  tides  which  are  called  neap  tides.
                                                                    Stream  is  a  warm  current.  They  bring  warm
             Tides are useful for navigation, fishing and trade.
                                                                    temperature over land surface.
             High  tides  help  the  ships  to  enter  or  leave  the
                                                                    Cold Current : They carry water from polar or
             harbours easily. Tides help in fishing. During high
                                                                    higher latitudes to tropical or lower latitudes. For
             tides,  more  fishes  come  near  the  shore  helping
                                                                    example,  the  Labrador  Ocean  Current.  They
             the fishermen to get plentiful catch. Tides help to
                                                                    result in cold temperature over the land surface.
             generate  electricity.  As  the  seawater  gushes  in
             during a high tide, its energy can be tapped and       They  provide  the  best  fishing  grounds  of  the
             used  to  generate  electricity.  India  is  yet  to  start   world. Some example of these are— seas around
             untilising tidal energy.                               Japan  and  seas  around  the  eastern  coast  of
                                                                    North America.
             Importance of Tides
                                                                    They lead to foggy weather which makes naviga-
             g    Tides  make  some  rivers  navigable  for
                                                                    tion difficult.
                  ocean-going  vessels.  During  high  tide,  the
                                                                    Currents of the Pacific Ocean
                  depth of water at the mouth of some rivers
                  increases.  This  help  the  ships  to  reach  the   1.  In the Northern Hemisphere
                  ports  located  on  those  rivers.  The  impor-   g    North Equatorial current (warm)
                  tance of the Kolkata port on River Hugli and      g    Japan (Kuroshio) current (warm)
                  the London port on River Thames is due to
                                                                    g    North Pacific current (warm)
                                                                    g    California current (cold)
             g    Tides help to clear the sediments deposited
                                                                    2.  In the Southern Hemisphere
                  by  rivers  on  their  beds  and  thus  prevents
                                                                    g    South Equatorial current (warm)
                  siltation of harbours.
                                                                    g    East Australian current (warm)
             g    During  high  tide,  the  saline  sea  water  is
                  stored in low-lying coastal areas. This saline    g    West Wind Drift (cold)
                  water is spread out in the fields and used to     g    Peru current (cold)
                  make common salt.                                 Currents of the Atlantic Ocean

             g    The fishing industry is helped by the rhythm      1.  In the Northern Hemisphere
                  of  tides.  During  high  tide,  fish  come  near
                                                                    g    North Equatorial current (warm)
                  the coast. The fishermen mostly sail out to
                                                                    g    Gulf Stream (warm)
                  the open sea during low tides and return to
                                                                    g    North Atlantic Drift (warm)
                  the coast with high tides.
                                                                    g    Canary current (cold)
             g    The energy of the tides is used to generate

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