Page 149 - SST Class 07
P. 149

                   ARCTIC OCEAN

                                                                                                           Arctic Circle

                NORTH                                          D  R  I  F  T
               PACIFIC C.                                  N  T  I  C
                                                         T  L  A
                                                        A   . N
                                                   R     C
                                                   O  D             EUROPE
                    NORTH      NORTH             L A B  R  A                            ASIA
                    PACIFIC                     A  M
                    OCEAN     AMERICA        F    S T R  E
                                            U  L  NORTH     CANARY C.
                                                 ATLANTIC                                                    N. EQUATORIAL C.
              Tropic of Cancer
                                                                    AFRICA                                     PACIFIC
                                                 N. EQUATORIAL C.
              Equator                                                                                        S. EQUATORIAL C.
                                                       S    .  E  Q  U  A T ORIAL C .  INDIAN OCEAN
              Tropic of Capricorn                                BENGUELA C.
                            SOUTH       PERU C.          SOUTH
                            PACIFIC                      ATLANTIC                              N  C     .
                            OCEAN                                                             I  A
                                                         OCEAN                               S  T  R  A  L
                                                                                         W  E  S  T     A  U
                             WEST WIND DRIFT     D     C  .                WEST WIND DRIFT              WEST WIND DRIFT
                                             FALKL A N
                                                                                        SOUTHERN OCEAN
              Antarctic Circle
                                                    World Major Ocean Currents
             g    Labrador current (cold)                           g    West Wind Drift (cold)
             g    Greenland current (cold)                          g    West Australian current (cold)
             2.  In the Southern Hemisphere                         Effects of Ocean Currents

             g    South Equatorial current (warm)                   Ocean  currents  exercise  great  influence  on  the
             g    Brazil current (warm)                             climate  and  economic  activities  of  the  coastal
                                                                    areas. Some of them are as under:
             g    West Wind Drift (cold)
                                                                    g    Ocean currents influence the distribution of
             g    Benguela current (cold)
                                                                         temperature over the globe. The warm and
             g    Falkland current (cold)
                                                                         the  cold  currents  increase  or  decrease  the
             Currents of the Indian Ocean
                                                                         temperature of the coastal areas.
             1.  In the Northern Hemisphere
                                                                    g    Warm  currents  increase  the  moisture-
             g    North Equatorial current (warm)                        bearing  capacity  of  the  wind,  while  cold
             g    Monsoon Drift (warm)                                   currents  decrease  the  same.  Deserts  are

                  (The  Monsoon  Drift  changes  its  direction          mostly found along the western side of the
                  from season to season.                                 continents, along which cold currents flow.
             2.  In the Southern Hemisphere                         g    Mixing  of  cold  and  warm  currents  causes
                                                                         dense fog, which hampers navigation.
             g    South Equatorial current (warm)
             g    Mozambique current (warm)                         g    The  best  fishing  grounds  of  the  world  are

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