Page 154 - SST Class 07
P. 154

river. Thus, long ridges of low height are formed      the roof of the caves remains, hence forming sea
             along the banks. These are called natural levees.      arches. The erosion further breaks the roof and

             When  the  river  reaches  its  mouth,  it  carries  a   only  the  walls  remain.  These  wall-like  features
             large volume of water and alluvium. The excess         are called stacks. Sea cliff is the steep rocky coast
             load is deposited as sand bars in the wide river       rising almost vertically above sea water. The sea
             channel.  This  divides  the  main  channel  into      waves deposit sediments along the shores form-
             several channels, which are called distributaries.     ing beaches.
             In  this  stage,  triangular-shaped  land  is  formed             WORK OF MOVING ICE
             between  the  distributaries  due  to  deposition  of   The snow which falls in high altitudes and high
             sediments. This is called a delta. The Greek letter    latitudes  accumulates  to  form  snowfields.  The
             D  (Delta)  was  first  used  by  the  Greek  historian   snowfields are situated above the snowline.
             Herodotus for the triangular depositional land on      The  river  of  snow  and  ice,  which  moves  very
             the mouth of the Nile river. The delta formed by       slowly is called a glacier. Glaciers flow out from
             the  Ganga  and  the  Brahmaputra  rivers  is  the     the snowfields. Like any other agent, the work of
             largest in the world.                                  a  glacier  is  erosion,  transportation  and  deposi-
                        WORK OF SEA WAVES                           tion. A glacier can modify and sometimes totally
             The erosion and deposition by water in the form        remove  the  existing  landforms  and  substitute
             of  sea  waves  leads  to  the  formation  of  coastal   them with new and distinctly different ones.
             landforms. Some coastal landforms are as follows :

             g    Sea Caves
             g    Sea Arches
             g    Stacks

             g    Sea Cliff
             g    Beaches


                                                                    Pure ice itself cannot do much work. When the
                                                                    glacier  passes  through  a  valley,  rock  fragments
                                        Sea Cave                    fall into moving ice from the mountain slopes. It
                                                   Sea Arch
                                                   Sea Arch
                                                   Sea Arch
                                                                    also  picks  up  rock  pieces  from  the  valley  floor.
                                                                    These rocks act as tools of erosion. These rocks
                                                                    rub  against  the  sides  and  the  valley  floor.  This
                                                                    creates a U-shaped valley with a flat bottom and
                       Sea Cave, Sea Arch and Stack
                                                                    almost vertical sides.
             Sea waves continuously strike at the rocks. This
                                                                    The  glacier  carves  out  deep  hollows  along  the
             leads  to  cracks.  The  cracks  become  larger  and
                                                                    slope of a mountain. It develops an armchair-like
             wider  overtime.  Thus,  hollow  like  caves  are
                                                                    depression, called cirque. When glacial ice melts,
             formed on the rocks. They are called sea caves.
                                                                    the depression is filled up with water and forms a
             As these cavities become bigger and bigger, only
                                                                    lake. This lake is called tarn.
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