Page 152 - SST Class 07
P. 152
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Major Landforms
Look out of your window and you will see
buildings, trees, telephone poles and people. The
world we live in now is shaped by people. The
building you saw right there was constructed by
someone, the tree planted by someone else and
the poles by another. But, people aren’t the only
ones moving things around, temperature, wind
and rain also do this all the time. Natural or
artificial features of the solid surface of the earth
are known as landforms.
notice these changes. These are the natural
processes that lead to various formations of the
landforms. Landforms are originated from these
geological processes.
When it rains, some water seeps underground,
some of it evaporates and the rest forms small
streams. Many small streams join together to
form a river.
Weathering, water, elevation, sinking and erosion
The place where the river originates is called the
of the soil are constantly shaping the surface of
source. Henceforth, the river moves down the
the earth. It doesn’t really happen overnight but
slope in a valley. Generally, the river falls into a
takes hundreds and thousands of years for us to
Social Science-7 152