Page 153 - SST Class 07
P. 153

large water body, such as a sea, ocean or lake.
             The  place  where  the  river  joins  another  water
             body  is  called  the  mouth.  The  area  drained  by
             the  river  and  its  tributaries  is  called  the  river

             The running water in the river carries out its work
             in three ways :
             1.   It erodes the rocks over which it flows.
             2.   It transports the eroded materials.
             3.   It deposits the materials which it has trans-
                                                                                     Salto Angel Falls

             The  erosional  work  of  the  river  results  in  the
             widening and deepening of the river valley. Such
             a valley is called a V-shaped Valley. In hilly areas,
             the  river  moves  swiftly.  Thus,  there  is  more
             erosion and transportation of the sediments and
             practically no deposition.

                                                                                       Victoria Falls
                                                                    When the river leaves the mountains and enters
                                                                    the plains, the flow is no longer swift. The floor of
                                                                    the river valley widens due to continuous erosion
                                                                    along its banks. The river twists and turns to form
                                                                    large bends or loops. These are called meanders.
                                                                    Now,  the  river  erodes,  transports  and  deposits
                                                                    the sediments.
                              Rain on the River
                                                                    Due  to  continuous  erosion  and  deposition,  the
             When the water of the river falls almost vertically
                                                                    meandering  loops  become  almost  circular  and
             down a steep valley side, a waterfall is formed.
                                                                    come very close to each other. In due course of
             They are important because they can be used to
                                                                    time,  the  river  is  able  to  cut  the  strip  of  land
             generate  hydroelectricity.  The  steep  sloping
                                                                    between  the  two  loops  and  takes  a  straight
             segment  of  the  swift-flowing  river  is  called  a
                                                                    course.  The  circular  loop  that  is  left  behind,
                                                                    completely cut-off from the main channel, forms
             Jog or Gersoppa Falls on the Sharavati river in
                                                                    an ox-bow lake.
             Karnataka is the highest (about 260 m) waterfall
                                                                    During  floods,  the  river  generally  overflows  its
             in India. The highest waterfall in the world in the
                                                                    banks. The fine alluvial soil brought by the river
             Salto Angel Falls (975 m) in Venezuela in South
                                                                    is deposited on the floor of valley. This fertile part
             America and the Victoria Falls in Africa are also
                                                                    is called flood plain. In the flood plain, the coarse
                                                                    materials  are  deposited  along  the  banks  of  the

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